•  12/1/2022 09:00 AM - 2/1/2023 09:00 AM
  •   Gainesville Library - Downtown Gainesville, Mo. 65655. Open 9-12 noon, Monday til 3:30, closed on Thursday.

This Winter, swing by the Gainesville Library, Mo. 65655. Several original paintings will be on display having bright colors & shapes. *GET YOUR FREE POSTER OF THE COUGAR PAINTING! Contact KAM - www.kampaintings.com. Or call 1-208-866-0815

  •  9/23/2020 12:00 PM
  •   Shelter Insurance Lobby - Downtown Gainesville, Mo. 65655

This Fall swing by Shelters in Gainesville, Mo. 65655. Four original paintings on display for your viewing. Contact KAM - www.kampaintings.com. Or call 1-208-866-0815

  •  6/5/2019 12:00 AM
  •   On the square in Gainesville, Mo. 65655

The magnificent Cougar painting will win you over!